Stock Exchanges Worldwide Links is a list of world's major stock exchanges and other exchange resources. The number of stock exchanges in the world is growing rapidly, so we maynot be able to track all of their pages. If you know of any stock exchange WWW sites not included in this list, please tellus (please specify an exact stock exchange name and URL).
African Stock Exchanges
Asian Stock Exchanges
Sydney Futures Exchange, Australia
Australian Stock Exchanges, Australia
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong,Hong Kong
Hong Kong Futures Exchange,Hong Kong
National Stock Exchange of India,India
Bombay Stock Exchange, India
Jakarta Stock Exchange, Indonesia
Indonesia NET Exchange,Indonesia
Nagoya Stock Exchange,Japan
Osaka Securities Exchange, Japan
Tokyo Grain Exchange, Japan
Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (TIFFE), Japan
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan
Korea Stock Exchange, Korea
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Malaysia
New Zealand Stock Exchange, New Zealand
Karachi Stock Exchange, Pakistan
Lahore Stock Exchange, Pakistan
Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES), Singapore
Singapore International Monetary Exchange Ltd. (SIMEX), Singapore
Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Stock Closings, Sri Lanka
Taiwan Stock Exchange, Taiwan
The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Thailand
European Stock Exchanges
Vienna Stock Exchange, Austria
EASDAQ, Belgium
Zagreb Stock Exchange, Croatia
Prague Stock Exchange, Czech Republic
Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Denmark
Helsinki Stock Exchange, Finland
Paris Stock Exchange, France
LesEchos: 30-minute delayed prices, France
NouveauMarche, France
MATIF, France
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Germany
Athens Stock Exchange, Greece
Budapest Stock Exchange, Hungary
Italian Stock Exchange, Italy
National Stock Exchange of Lithuania,Lithuania
Macedonian Stock Exchange, Macedonia
Amsterdam Stock Exchange, The Netherlands
Oslo Stock Exchange, Norway
Warsaw Stock-Exchange, Poland
Lisbon Stock Exchange, Portugal
Bucharest Stock Exchange, Romania
Russian Securities Market News, Russia
Ljubljana Stock Exchange,Inc., Slovenia
Barcelona Stock Exchange, Spain
Madrid Stock Exchange, Spain
MEFF: (Spanish Financial Futures & Options Exchange), Spain
Stockholm Stock Exchange, Sweden
Swiss Exchange, Switzerland
Istanbul Stock Exhange, Turkey
FTSE International (London Stock Exchange), United Kingdom
London Stock Exchange: Daily Price Summary, United Kingdom
Electronic Share Information, UnitedKingdom
London Metal Exchange,United Kingdom
London InternationalFinancial Futures and Options Exchange, United Kingdom
Middle Eastern Stock Exchanges
North American Stock Exchanges
South American Stock Exchanges